What is Graphic Design - Design Guide

What is Graphic Design?

Graphic designers create visual content to communicate messages. Designers can customise typography by utilising visual hierarchy and page layout techniques. By focusing on the logic of displaying elements in interactive designs, images can be tailored to a user’s specific needs.

Graphic Design is about Molding the User Experience Visually

Graphic design is an ancient art form that dates back at least 17,000 years before Egyptian hieroglyphs. It is a term that originated in the 1920s print industry. It has grown to include a wide range of activities, including logo design. Graphic design is concerned with aesthetics and marketing in this context. Graphic designers use images, colour, and typography to captivate audiences. User experience (UX) designers must justify stylistic choices using a human-centered approach. That means prioritizing—and attempting to empathise with—your specific users while creating appealing designs that maximise usability. In UX design, aesthetics must serve a purpose; we do not create art for the sake of creating art. As a result, graphic designers must broaden their knowledge of visual design.


Take into account the information architecture of your interactive designs to ensure user accessibility.
Utilize graphic design skills to create work that takes the entire user experience into account, including the user’s visual processing abilities.

For example, if a visually appealing mobile application cannot provide users with what they need with a few thumb-clicks, its designer/s have failed to marry graphic design and user experience. In UX, graphic design encompasses the process of creating visually appealing, meaningful, and usable designs.

What Is Graphic Design – A Guide

Graphic Design

Graphic Design is Emotional Design

While working in the digital age necessitates the use of interactive software, graphic design remains based on time-honored principles. It is critical to strike the right chord with users from the first glance—hence the connection between graphic design and emotional design. As a graphic designer, you should therefore have a firm grasp on colour theory and the critical nature of colour scheme selection. Color selections should reflect not only the organisation (e.g., blue suits for banking), but also the expectations of users (e.g., red for alerts; green for notifications to proceed). You should design with an eye toward how the elements work together to create a cohesive whole (e.g., sans-serif fonts for excitement or happiness).


Additionally, you must design for the overall effect, taking note of how you shape users’ emotions as they navigate from a landing page to a call to action, for example. Frequently, graphic designers assist with motion design for smaller screens. They will pay close attention to how their work meets the aesthetic expectations of their users. They can improve the usability of their designs by anticipating the users’ needs and mindsets. With user psychology in mind, it’s critical to maintain a laser-like focus on a few particularly weighty graphic design considerations, namely the following:

  • Symmetry and Balance (including symmetry types)
  • Flow
  • Repetition
  • Pattern
  • The Golden Ratio (i.e., proportions of 1:1.618)
  • The Rule of Thirds (i.e., how users’ eyes recognize good layout)
  • Typography (encompassing everything from font choice to heading weight)
  • Audience Culture (regarding color use—e.g., red as an alert or, in some Eastern cultures, a signal of good fortune—and reading pattern: e.g., left to right in Western cultures)

Graphic Design 1

Logical Design

In general, your mission—as far as graphic design is concerned in UX and UI design—is to present information in a logical manner. You should ensure that beauty and usability coexist, so that your design can subtly communicate your organization’s values to your users. When you establish a trustworthy visual presence, you demonstrate to users that you understand their goals – not just because you’ve placed aesthetically pleasing elements where they expect to find them or assisted them in intuiting their way around, but also because the values reflected in your designs align with their own. Visual content will quickly determine the fate of your design, so take care not to overlook even the tiniest trigger that might turn users away.

Learn more about Graphic Design

With our course, UI Design Patterns for Successful Software, take a deep dive into Graphic Design.

Have you ever noticed shapes in the clouds? This is because humans are hardwired to detect patterns when none exist. It’s the same reason we frequently believe we know where to click when we first visit a website. Selecting the appropriate user interface design pattern is critical for capitalising on this natural pattern-spotting ability.

User interface design patterns enable structure and order to coexist in order to create powerful user experiences. Structure and order are also a user’s best friends, it is critical for designers to carefully consider user interfaces before committing to a final design. However, Products must be so well-designed that users will forget how they got from point A to point B.

Failure to do so will result in user interfaces that are difficult or confusing to navigate, requiring the user to spend an unreasonable amount of time decoding the display. Even a few seconds too many is considered “unreasonable” rather than accomplishing their intended goals and objectives.

Terminology used in user interface design

While the emphasis is on the practical application of user interface design patterns, you will also become familiar with the current terminology used in user interface design and with many of the key concepts discussed. This should help you stay ahead of the competition and arm you with the knowledge necessary to outperform your rivals.

Therefore, if you’re having difficulty deciding on the best user interface design pattern to implement, look no further. This course will provide you with the knowledge necessary to select the most appropriate display methods when working with existing user interfaces.